Bravo to all the peeps who guessed correctly to Tuesday’s competition, Rochelle from The Saturday’s is wearing our Union Jack Rose Top!!! We think that she looks absolutely gorgeous, such a natural beauty and we will be announcing our winner very soon, good luck!!! Well enough of us, blabbering on, right Rochelle…
…Being a member of The Saturday’s we were wondering what your favourite day of the week is and why?My favourite day of the week has to be a Saturday doesn't it?! But I love Sundays having a lazy day and a roast dinner.
If you didn’t become a member of a pop band, what occupation would you have liked?Well if I wasn't in The Saturdays I would have probably been trying to be, but I was thinking of taking a course in interior design at one stage!
What advice would you give to people wanting to get into the music scene?I think it is now a lot easier to be seen with shows like X Factor around etc, also YouTube and MySpace are a great way to get your music out there! But my main bit of advice is to practice as often as you can to make sure you are on top of your game!!
Do you get nervous before every performance?Now I was just get very excited and can't wait to get out there, but I remember I was so nervous before our first performance!
Tell us a secret?I snore really badly when I'm drunk!! Sshhhh!!
Who is the most exciting celebrity that you have met?
Beyonce, she is breathtakingly stunning!! I couldn't speak!!!
What is the most interesting place that you have traveled and why?Probably Asia, we tour there, alot, its a completely different culture over there and I love that!
Who inspires you?My mum, everyday!!
What are the 5 things that you just can’t live without.My BBM
My dogs, Tiger and Pudding
Eve Lom face cleanser
Guerlain Masacara
High-heeled shoes
Ten years from now you will be …Hopefully still performing if people don't think I'm past it!!